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Gift Ideas: Fully Functional Decorative Telescopes & Binoculars
Are you looking for a decorative Telescope to spruce up the look of a home, to give to someone as a Gift, and/or casually Stargaze, Birdwatch, or Whale-watch from the comfort of your home? Then look no further. We have just what you need.

Shop Decorative Telescopes and Binoculars - from brands such as Stanley London and Hampton Nautical. These products are fully functional, and add style to any home or office.
Shop our entire Decorative Telescopes & Binoculars collection here.
Brass Telescopes with Custom Engraving
Would you like a premium Brass Telescope that not only looks amazing, but that you can also have custom engraved? Then look no further than our collection of premium Stanley London Premium Brass Telescopes. Our Stanley London collection includes everything from a 38mm table-top Spyscope to 60mm Brass Telescopes.
The vast majority of all Stanley London Telescopes that we carry offer custom Engraving options. Whether you want to engrave a quote, a romantic note to a loved one, or add your own custom logo - we can make it happen. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at!
Shop our Stanley London collection of Telescopes here.